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我们设施的最新成员是“真空带式干燥机”。我们的真空带式干燥机的生产能力高达每天 20 吨,是一种最新且可行的技术,已成功应用于保健品和制药行业。 KAG Industries 配备了针对 PP 罐、枕袋、Ceka 包装等 SKU 的集成包装线,可为您提供端到端解决方案,满足您的所有制造需求。



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Beyond its exceptional hygiene and efficiency standards, the Vacuum Band Dryer presents extensive industrial applications. Its gentle drying process at low temperatures is particularly suitable for preserving the quality and nutritional value of heat-sensitive, bioactive materials in nutraceutical and pharmaceutical products. Furthermore, precise temperature and vacuum controls facilitate optimal dehydration, crucial for maintaining the structural integrity of complex compounds.

This state-of-the-art technology not only enhances our production capabilities but also underscores KAG Industries' dedication to technological advancement and superior product quality. With the Vacuum Band Dryer, we deliver unmatched levels of product safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness, reaffirming our commitment to excellence in meeting our clients' manufacturing needs.

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